HAProxy Technologies attended Kubernetes Community Days France 2023, where 800 participants gathered to discuss cloud-native and DevOps technologies. It’s always a delight to interact with the heart of the industry and hear how professionals and hobbyists are implementing HAProxy as an ingress controller, load balancer, API gateway, and security solution.
If we summarized KCD France 2023 in one word, it would be “community.” It’s in the name of the conference and captures what Kubernetes Community Days is all about: open-source and enterprise-grade technologies coming together to propel the cloud computing industry forward. And doesn’t that sound great?

Growing HAProxy Adoption in an Evolving Industry
We brought our best to KCD France 2023. We’re talking HAProxy’s leading experts, the latest and greatest of our HAProxy Enterprise Kubernetes Ingress Controller, and plenty of our ever-popular swag.
The HAProxy booth was buzzing with all we had to offer, and our conversations with the community were invaluable. Attendee interest in implementing high-performance load balancing for Kubernetes clusters, and their excitement in seeing HAProxy involved in the space, show how HAProxy’s prioritization of cloud-native solutions helps us to support the community’s evolving needs. This versatility helps make HAProxy the world’s top secure application delivery platform.
We had a chance to speak with some of our longstanding HAProxy users. These attendees had been using the community version of HAProxy for more than ten years—that’s incredible! This demonstrates that users love using HAProxy year after year and consistently see valuable results. HAProxy’s long-term adoption and user satisfaction are a testament to our relevance and resilience, evolving over the last two decades as the industry has changed and grown.
Website and application deployments have seen rapid development in recent years, with a growing focus on distributed application architectures, containers, microservices, and increasing API traffic. In this evolution, Kubernetes has taken the helm in container orchestration for deploying and managing containerized applications at scale.
As the adoption of containerization became more prevalent, HAProxy Technologies worked to meet the growing need for complementary solutions to supercharge containerized workloads. HAProxy started as a highly available reverse proxy. Now, we’re a leading enabler of cloud-native application deployments.
We’ve become more than a load balancer. Our HAProxy Enterprise Kubernetes Ingress Controller provides advanced TCP and HTTP routing capabilities for Kubernetes-based applications. The recently released HAProxy Fusion Control Plane enables HAProxy infrastructure to function as a unified application delivery platform, whether on-premises or in the cloud. Our product portfolio is ever-expanding, offering solutions for containers, VMs, and monolithic architectures, and for on-premises data centers, public clouds, and ADN/CDN.

By working with our passionate community and ecosystem partners, HAProxy provides users with countless tools to enhance their application delivery—and we will continue to do so as the industry develops further. We can’t wait to show you what else we have coming down the pipeline.
Fast, Scalable, Modular Ingress Controller
The main showing at the HAProxy booth was the HAProxy Enterprise Kubernetes Ingress Controller, the most efficient way to route traffic into a Kubernetes cluster.
Our ingress controller offers high-performance load balancing, the ability to publish 10,000+ ingress rules fast, custom resource definitions, advanced ingress security, and flexible deployment in or outside Kubernetes.
Attendees learned how our ingress controller:
scales to handle any sized traffic;
secures pods reliably with fast and seamless application of ingress rules; and
simplifies architectures and CI/CD pipelines with flexible ingress controller integration.
If you couldn’t attend KCD France 2023, you can still learn more about our HAProxy Enterprise Kubernetes Ingress Controller.
The Power and Performance of HAProxy Enterprise
HAProxy Enterprise was a hot topic at the HAProxy booth. Users of HAProxy’s community version wanted to know all about the many features and benefits of HAProxy Enterprise.
HAProxy Enterprise packages HAProxy, the world’s fastest and most widely used software load balancer and application delivery controller, with enterprise-class features, services, and premium support.

Not only that, HAProxy Enterprise customers can connect their load balancer nodes with HAProxy Fusion Control Plane. HAProxy Fusion provides customers the power to simplify, scale, and secure their HAProxy application delivery infrastructure, dramatically upping the efficiency of running apps and websites at scale.
Attendees wanted to know how HAProxy fared against the competition. We mentioned HAProxy is the world’s fastest and most widely used software load balancer, but we like to point out that our passionate users provide the best showcase of HAProxy performance. At HAProxyConf 2022, our users demonstrated how HAProxy comes out on top of the competition in presentations like “Data Informed Decision Making: Roblox Use Case for More Metrics” and “Modernizing LinkedIn’s Traffic Stack.” See for yourself.
KCD Love: Swag and Positive Feedback
HAProxy never comes to an event empty-handed. We arrived at Kubernetes Community Days France 2023 loaded with swag. There was no shortage of HAProxy-themed T-shirts, stuffed animals of HAProxy’s elephant mascot, Loady, and power banks to satisfy our users until the next event (KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2023—catch you there!).

Last but not least, we loved all the positive feedback we received from our users. See what our community is saying about our suite of products with their HAProxy user reviews.
KCD France 2023 was a rare pleasure for our team. It was great connecting with many current and prospective HAProxy users, especially from the Kubernetes and cloud-native community. We can’t wait to continue to grow and develop our solutions alongside such a dynamic and evolving industry.
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