
Upgrade HAProxy Enterprise on BSD

You can upgrade HAProxy Enterprise to version 2.8r1 on the following operating systems:

HAProxy Enterprise version Release date End of life Supported OS
2.8r1 Oct 2023 Feb 2028
  • FreeBSD 13.2

Upgrade to HAProxy Enterprise 2.8r1 Jump to heading

The following upgrade procedure installs a new major version of HAProxy Enterprise.

  1. Take the server that you want to upgrade out of the cluster.

  2. Install HAProxy Enterprise 2.8r1 by running the following command and replacing <HAProxy Enterprise Key> with the key you received when you registered:

    wget https://www.haproxy.com/static/install_haproxy_enterprise.sh
    sudo bash ./install_haproxy_enterprise.sh \
    --version 2.8r1 \
    --key <HAProxy Enterprise key>
    wget https://www.haproxy.com/static/install_haproxy_enterprise.sh
    sudo bash ./install_haproxy_enterprise.sh \
    --version 2.8r1 \
    --key <HAProxy Enterprise key>
  3. Update additional modules: you may be running additional modules with HAProxy Enterprise, which you must also reinstall when you upgrade to a new release. Install a package using its name, for example:

    sudo pkg install hapee-2.8r1-lb-update
    sudo pkg install hapee-2.8r1-lb-update
  4. Copy /usr/local/etc/hapee-<PREVIOUS VERSION>/hapee-lb.cfg over to /usr/local/etc/hapee-2.8/hapee-lb.cfg and any associated files (maps, certificates, etc).

  5. Stop the old HAProxy Enterprise daemon and start the new daemon:

    sudo service hapee_<PREVIOUS VERSION>_lb onestop
    sudo service hapee_28_lb onestart
    sudo service hapee_<PREVIOUS VERSION>_lb onestop
    sudo service hapee_28_lb onestart
  6. Run tail -f /var/log/messages (or distribution equivalent) to check for warnings or errors.

  7. Run curl localhost to ensure that HAProxy Enterprise is responding. Adjust address/port as needed, and use a local address that is currently active on the box and not a VRRP IP.

  8. Put the upgraded server back into the cluster.

  9. Repeat this procedure on secondary servers.

Post-upgrade Jump to heading

After you upgrade, see the section on enterprise modules on how to enable and configure each one.

After the new HAProxy Enterprise version has been running for a while, you can uninstall the old HAProxy Enterprise version. To uninstall a package:

sudo pkg delete hapee-<PREVIOUS VERSION>-lb
sudo pkg delete hapee-<PREVIOUS VERSION>-lb

Update HAProxy Enterprise Jump to heading

The update procedure installs the latest build for your current HAProxy Enterprise version in order to benefit from the latest bug fixes.

sudo pkg update
sudo pkg upgrade
sudo pkg update
sudo pkg upgrade

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