

InfluxDB is a time-series database into which you can store your load balancer metrics. You can then graph the data to see trends over time.

In this guide, we use Telegraf, a metrics-collections tool from InfluxData, to pull metrics from the load balancer and push them to InfluxDB.

Installation and setup Jump to heading

  1. Follow the InfluxDB Getting Started guide to install InfluxDB onto a server.

  2. Once installed, InfluxDB hosts a UI dashboard at port 8086. Go to the InfluxDB UI at http://[INFLUXDB SERVER]:8086 and click Get Started to set up your initial user account. During setup, you will set the organization and default bucket for your data.

  3. Go to Data > Buckets and create a new bucket named haproxy-enterprise.

    Create a bucket

  4. Go to Data > Tokens and click Generate to create a new Read/Write token. Set the Read and Write scopes to your haproxy-enterprise bucket. Telegraf will use this token when connecting to InfluxDB.

    Create a token

  5. To see an example configuration for Telegraf, go to Data > Sources, find HAProxy in the list of Telegraf plugins, and click it.

    HAProxy Telegraf Plugin

    Copy the sample configuration from the HAProxy Input Plugin page.

    HAProxy Telegraf Configuration

  6. Follow the Introducing Telegraf guide to download and install Telegraf onto each of your load balancer servers. Telegraf is the service that exports metrics to InfluxDB.

  7. Enable the Runtime API in your load balancer configuration to allow Telegraf to collect metrics. Configure it to listen on the UNIX socket /var/run/hapee-2.9/hapee-lb.sock:

    stats socket /var/run/hapee-2.9/hapee-lb.sock user hapee-lb group hapee mode 660 level admin expose-fd listeners
    stats socket /var/run/hapee-2.9/hapee-lb.sock user hapee-lb group hapee mode 660 level admin expose-fd listeners
  8. Add the telegraf user to the hapee group so that it has access to the Runtime API socket:

    sudo usermod -a -G hapee telegraf
    sudo usermod -a -G hapee telegraf
  9. Edit the file /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf:

    • Uncomment the [[outputs.influxdb_v2]] section and set the following fields:

      • set urls to the address of your InfluxDB server, which listens on port 8086
      • set token to the value of the Read/Write token you created in InfluxDB
      • set organization to the organization you set when you installed InfluxDB
      • set bucket to haproxy-enterprise
      urls = []
      token = "IyjPRrnA5Fb4P_bHd8YBeea5K-y2DmSV_7D0wT5592YDc9v87vzQKKt-etS2YTHwbpo_gSrFQDhtBUfcDuIzXQ=="
      organization = "test"
      bucket = "haproxy-enterprise"
      urls = []
      token = "IyjPRrnA5Fb4P_bHd8YBeea5K-y2DmSV_7D0wT5592YDc9v87vzQKKt-etS2YTHwbpo_gSrFQDhtBUfcDuIzXQ=="
      organization = "test"
      bucket = "haproxy-enterprise"
    • Uncomment the [[inputs.haproxy]] section. Set the servers field to the path of the Runtime API socket.

      # Read metrics of HAProxy, via socket or HTTP stats page
      servers = ["/var/run/hapee-2.9/hapee-lb.sock"]
      # Read metrics of HAProxy, via socket or HTTP stats page
      servers = ["/var/run/hapee-2.9/hapee-lb.sock"]
  10. Restart the Telegraf and load balancer services:

    sudo systemctl restart telegraf
    sudo systemctl restart hapee-2.9-lb
    sudo systemctl restart telegraf
    sudo systemctl restart hapee-2.9-lb

Visualize metrics Jump to heading

You can create graphs for your load balancer metrics in the InfluxDB UI. Go to Explore and create a new query.

For example, you could create the following query:

  • Set FROM to haproxy-enterprise
  • Set the first Filter to _measurement and select haproxy
  • Set the second Filter to _field and select req_rate to see the HTTP request rate

InfluxDB query

HAProxy Monitoring Template Jump to heading

InfluxData also provides an HAProxy monitoring template that configures a prebaked dashboard of commonly used graphs.

  1. In the InfluxDB UI, go to Settings > Templates and enter the URL Then click Install Template.

  2. The template creates a bucket named haproxy. Generate a new Read/Write token that has access to that bucket.

  3. Update the Telegraf configuration on your load balancer servers to use the new token and haproxy for the bucket value.

  4. In the InfluxDB UI, go to Boards and click the haproxy dashboard to see the graphs.

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