

  • Install on Amazon EKS

    This guide shows you how to install HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller in Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service. We will use the Helm package manager.

  • Install on Azure AKS

    This guide shows you how to install HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller in Azure Kubernetes Service. You can install either with Helm or kubectl.

  • External mode

    In external mode, the ingress controller runs outside of your Kubernetes cluster. In this guide, you will learn how to set up external mode using an on-premises cluster and Project Calico.

  • Install on Google GKE

    This guide shows you how to install HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller in Google Kubernetes Service. You can install either with Helm or kubectl.

  • Install on premises

    This guide shows you how to install HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller into an on-premises Kubernetes cluster. You can install either with Helm or kubectl.

  • Install on Rancher

    This guide show you how to install HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller in Rancher via the Rancher app catalog.

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