Advanced features

Use Consul service discovery

This section will guide you through integrating HAProxy Data Plane API and HashiCorp Consul. We will pull information from the Consul service discovery registry through the HAProxy Data Plane API and use it to update the load balancer’s configuration.

You can:

  • query Consul for the IP addresses of your internal services
  • fill these addresses into the load balancer configuration in real time

Overview Jump to heading

For this setup, you will need three servers:

  • a Consul server to host the service discovery registry
  • an HAProxy, HAProxy Enterprise, or HAProxy ALOHA server with the Data Plane API enabled
  • a web server to serve as an example application to load balance

Consul service discovery diagram

Create the Consul server Jump to heading

To create the Consul server:

  1. On your Consul server machine, install Consul by following the official deployment guide.

  2. Configure it as a Consul server by creating the file /etc/consul.d/server.hcl.

    sudo touch /etc/consul.d/server.hcl
    sudo chown --recursive consul:consul /etc/consul.d
    sudo chmod 640 /etc/consul.d/server.hcl
    sudo touch /etc/consul.d/server.hcl
    sudo chown --recursive consul:consul /etc/consul.d
    sudo chmod 640 /etc/consul.d/server.hcl
  3. Add the following contents to the file. Note especially that server is true and bootstrap_expect is 1, since we are deploying a single-server cluster. Change bind_addr and client_addr to be your server’s IP address.

    datacenter = "dc1"
    server = true
    bootstrap_expect = 1
    bootstrap = true
    data_dir = "/opt/consul"
    # your Consul server's IP address
    bind_addr = ""
    client_addr = ""
    ui_config {
    enabled = true
    log_level = "INFO"
    datacenter = "dc1"
    server = true
    bootstrap_expect = 1
    bootstrap = true
    data_dir = "/opt/consul"
    # your Consul server's IP address
    bind_addr = ""
    client_addr = ""
    ui_config {
    enabled = true
    log_level = "INFO"
  4. Enable and start the Consul service.

    sudo systemctl enable consul
    sudo systemctl start consul
    sudo systemctl enable consul
    sudo systemctl start consul
  5. Verify that the Consul server is up and running by opening the Consul Web UI, which listens at port 8500, in a browser. It may take some time for the service to become available.

    Consul server UI

Add a service to the Consul registry Jump to heading

To add a service to Consul so that the HAProxy Data Plane API automatically adds it to the load balancer configuration:

  1. On your web application server, install Consul by following the official deployment guide.

  2. Configure it as a Consul agent by creating the file /etc/consul.d/consul.hcl.

    sudo touch /etc/consul.d/consul.hcl
    sudo chown --recursive consul:consul /etc/consul.d
    sudo chmod 640 /etc/consul.d/consul.hcl
    sudo touch /etc/consul.d/consul.hcl
    sudo chown --recursive consul:consul /etc/consul.d
    sudo chmod 640 /etc/consul.d/consul.hcl
  3. Add the following contents to the file:

    datacenter = "dc1"
    server = false
    data_dir = "/opt/consul/"
    bind_addr = ""
    retry_join = [""]
    enable_syslog = true
    log_level = "INFO"
    datacenter = "dc1"
    server = false
    data_dir = "/opt/consul/"
    bind_addr = ""
    retry_join = [""]
    enable_syslog = true
    log_level = "INFO"
    • Set bind_addr to this web server’s IP address.
    • Set retry_join to the Consul server’s IP address. The agent uses this to join the Consul cluster.
  4. Enable and start the Consul service.

    sudo systemctl enable consul
    sudo systemctl start consul
    sudo systemctl enable consul
    sudo systemctl start consul
  5. Assuming that you have a web application running at port 80, you can register it with the local Consul agent by creating a JSON manifest. For example:

    "service": {
    "name": "example",
    "port": 80
    "service": {
    "name": "example",
    "port": 80

    In this example, we set name to example. This is the name that will appear in the Consul registry. Also, it will appear in the name of the backend in the load balancer configuration.

  6. Register the service with Consul:

    consul services register example.json
    consul services register example.json

    The example service should appear on the Services tab in the Consul Web UI.

Configure the HAProxy Data Plane API Jump to heading

To enable the Data Plane API to pull service discovery information from the Consul server, follow these steps:

  1. On the load balancer, make a POST request to the Data Plane API’s /v2/services_discovery/consul endpoint. This tells the API to begin monitoring Consul’s service registry.

    curl -u admin:adminpwd \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "address": "",
    "port": 8500,
    "enabled": true,
    "retry_timeout": 10
    curl -u admin:adminpwd \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "address": "",
    "port": 8500,
    "enabled": true,
    "retry_timeout": 10
  2. When you add services to Consul, the Data Plane API will automatically create a backend in the configuration. In the example below, a backend named consul-backend- was created automatically from Consul’s service registry. It has a single registered server at the IP address

    haproxy.cfg, hapee-lb.cfg, LB Layer7 tab
    backend consul-backend-
    server SRV_V2u4y check weight 128
    server SRV_1NQXA disabled weight 128
    server SRV_DWcAP disabled weight 128
    server SRV_IIcqg disabled weight 128
    haproxy.cfg, hapee-lb.cfg, LB Layer7 tab
    backend consul-backend-
    server SRV_V2u4y check weight 128
    server SRV_1NQXA disabled weight 128
    server SRV_DWcAP disabled weight 128
    server SRV_IIcqg disabled weight 128

    The Data Plane API has also added several disabled server lines. When you register more instances of the same service, the Data Plane API fills in disabled server slots. You can thus scale up or down without a reload, in most cases.

  3. Add a frontend section that routes traffic to this backend pool of servers. For example:

    haproxy.cfg, hapee-lb.cfg, LB Layer7 tab
    frontend example
    bind :80
    default_backend consul-backend-
    haproxy.cfg, hapee-lb.cfg, LB Layer7 tab
    frontend example
    bind :80
    default_backend consul-backend-

Filter which services are load balanced Jump to heading

You can control which services from Consul’s service registry get added to the load balancer’s configuration.

Set the service_allowlist and service_denylist fields when configuring service discovery. They each take an array of service names to restrict which services to allow or deny from load balancing.

The example below adds the app1 and app2 services to the load balancer configuration, but not app3 and app4. We make a PUT request to update the Consul server we registered before:

curl -X PUT \
-u admin:adminpwd \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"address": "",
"port": 8500,
"enabled": true,
"retry_timeout": 10,
"service_allowlist": ["app1", "app2"],
"service_denylist": ["app3", "app4"]
curl -X PUT \
-u admin:adminpwd \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"address": "",
"port": 8500,
"enabled": true,
"retry_timeout": 10,
"service_allowlist": ["app1", "app2"],
"service_denylist": ["app3", "app4"]

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